Mr. Kopot is a Lecturer at Economic Faculty of University of Indonesia, whose lecture has been starting since 1974, and until now continues teaching for bachelor’s degree in Accounting, as well as master’s degree in Management.

He is a Commissary of PT Agrindo Lestari Nusantara; as an Advisor of Perkumpulan Perhimpunan St. Carolus Hospital; formerly was Chairman of Perkumpulan Perhimpunan St. Carolus Hospital.

He was Chairman, Permanent Committee on Plantation of KADIN; and as Chairman, Permanent Committee on Aquaculture Industries of KADIN.

Mr. Kopot was CEO of PT Menteng Kencana Mas (2007-2015), one of the players in the Crude Palm Oil, and was President Director of Dipasena Group (2005-2007), the world largest integrated shrimp farming and processing company. Formerly, Mr. Kopot was also CEO of Charoen Pokphand Indonesia for Agribusiness, Aquaculture Business, Seeds and Agrochemical Business, Processed/Formulated Food Business (2001-2005), and during his service in Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, Mr. Kopot has succeeded in turning around the Integrated Shrimp Farm on the Nearly Bankrupt Company into the Largest Shrimp Farm Production, and become the Largest Single Shrimp Production in the World; as CEO of Salim Plantations, responsible for Salim Group’s Plantation Division (1987-2001); and as Partner in Public Accountant Firm Drs. Hans Kartikahadi & Co (1975-1986).

He received two Presidential Medals of Honor (Satyalancana Karya Satya) in 2002 and 2010.

Mr. Kopot received his Doctorandus’ degree in Economics from University of Indonesia in 1976, and as Registered Accountant in 1977. He received his MBA in International Business from University of Southern California in 1987. He received many certificates, such as Certified Sustainability Reporting Specialist (CSRS) in 2010 and Certified Sustainability Reporting Assuror (CSRA) in 2011 from National Center for Sustainability Reporting, Senior Management-Agribusiness at Harvard University, USA, and International Trade, FOSFA International, London.

Mr Kopot is active in participating as Jury in Sustainability Reporting Award since 2004 from National Center for Sustainability Reporting.

Mr. Kopot is the Co-Founder and the Board Member of some institutions such as FCGI, NCSR, LSP-AI, IIFEA. He was also the Team Member assigned by The Minister of Trade and Industry to establish the Indonesian Commodity Future Trading and the ASEAN Common Contract.

Mr Kopot was also the Board Member and member of IFEA, ISEI, IAMI, MAI and GAPKI. He was the Board of Examiner Member for CPA-Indonesia (USAP-IAI), and Board Member and member of IAI, IAI KAM, AVOC, IAMA, BKS-PPS and FAMNI.

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GRI Standards Certified Training

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-governmental organization that develops and disseminates globally applicable voluntary Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. These guidelines has been developed through a multi-stakeholder process that incorporates the active participation of business, accountancy, investment, human rights, research and labour organizations from around the world.

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  • ICSP

    Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners

    The ICSP is a professional association reflecting and promoting the best in sustainability practice, research and reporting – all towards creating a momentum towards development which meets the needs of those living today without jeopardizing those seeking the same in the future.

    For both individual and organization members in business, academia and non-governmental areas, the ability to gain confidence among people who have a benchmarked certification along globally standard lines is a primary aim of the institute. In addition to building confidence in quality, the ICSP is aiming to set professional standards to help ensure that users and providers can be on the same page.

    About NCCR

    NCCR in Brief

    NCCR is the first independent organization to develop sustainability reporting in Indonesia and the first organization to introduce the term “sustainability report” in Indonesia.

    Learn more is a consulting service under the management of Green Consult, an IBM Business Partner. It utilizes the ‘IBM Envizi ESG Suite‘ as the primary software for processing carbon data

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    National Center for Sustainability Reporting
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