CSRS Bandung

NoNameBatch Training Dates
1I Nyoman Agus Wijaya124-25 July 2017
2Meyliana124-25 July 2017
3Lidya Agustina124-25 July 2017
4Hanny124-25 July 2017
5Yanti124-25 July 2017
6Muhamad Muslih124-25 July 2017
7Dr. Majidah, SE, MSi124-25 July 2017
8Bayu Pratama Ngiu124-25 July 2017
9Ariawan Rahmat124-25 July 2017
10Indra Sulistiana124-25 July 2017
11Siti Nur Indriyani124-25 July 2017
12Maryati124-25 July 2017
13Redinna Lesmana124-25 July 2017
14Diana Purwati Ningsih124-25 July 2017
15Triyanti Nurdiansari124-25 July 2017
16Agung Praptono124-25 July 2017
17Umar Hidayat124-25 July 2017
18Himawan Dwi Anggana124-25 July 2017
19Imam Zulkifli Nur124-25 July 2017
20Indra Taufiq Nugraha124-25 July 2017
21Arif Suryawan124-25 July 2017
22Novi Soviani124-25 July 2017
23Relevanny Firnofie 124-25 July 2017
24Yusri Fanny124-25 July 2017
25Ardi Gunardi227-28 November 2017
26Dini Wahjoe Hapsari227-28 November 2017
27Farida Titik Kristanti227-28 November 2017
28Dini Rosdini227-28 November 2017
29Annisa Nabila Hasan227-28 November 2017
30Stanislaus Eko Tedjakumala 227-28 November 2017
31Rohani Simbolon227-28 November 2017
32Hilmi227-28 November 2017
33Iin Rosini227-28 November 2017
34Atang Hermawan227-28 November 2017
35Novieyanti Dwi Ariani227-28 November 2017
36Erwindiawan227-28 November 2017
37Ganefo Sudirman227-28 November 2017
38Erlynda Y. Kasim227-28 November 2017
39Ronny Wijaya Zulkarnain227-28 November 2017
40Vita Evelini Handayani Sinaga227-28 November 2017
41Chrisman227-28 November 2017
42Wahyuddin Albra227-28 November 2017


GRI Standards Certified Training

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-governmental organization that develops and disseminates globally applicable voluntary Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. These guidelines has been developed through a multi-stakeholder process that incorporates the active participation of business, accountancy, investment, human rights, research and labour organizations from around the world.

Learn more


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    November 8, 2023

    The National Center for Corporate Reporting (NCCR) again held the Asia Sustainability Report Rating (ASRRAT) 2023 ranking ceremony. The ASRRAT... View Article

  • Standard Bank awarded ‘Gold Rank’ in Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating

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  • ICSP

    Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners

    The ICSP is a professional association reflecting and promoting the best in sustainability practice, research and reporting – all towards creating a momentum towards development which meets the needs of those living today without jeopardizing those seeking the same in the future.

    For both individual and organization members in business, academia and non-governmental areas, the ability to gain confidence among people who have a benchmarked certification along globally standard lines is a primary aim of the institute. In addition to building confidence in quality, the ICSP is aiming to set professional standards to help ensure that users and providers can be on the same page.

    About NCCR

    NCCR in Brief

    NCCR is the first independent organization to develop sustainability reporting in Indonesia and the first organization to introduce the term “sustainability report” in Indonesia.

    Learn more

    Dekarbon.in is a consulting service under the management of Green Consult, an IBM Business Partner. It utilizes the ‘IBM Envizi ESG Suite‘ as the primary software for processing carbon data

    National Center for Sustainability Reporting
    Buncit Town House Kav. 4
    Jl. Haji Sa'abun Taman Margasatwa
    Jakarta Selatan 12540
    Tel : +62 21 782 3524
    Fax: +62 21 782 3523

    National Center for Sustainability Reporting
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