CSRA Jakarta

NoNameBatchTraining Dates
1Ronald EberhardBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
2Raina Jessamine. GBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
3Derryl G HamonganBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
4Melanie WoodBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
5Nugroho Budi PurnomoBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
6Ferry Handayani BudijonoBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
7Asep HermawanBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
8Harmon YeroBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
9Ir.Sri Wahyuni Herly. MScBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
10Nurul Jannah. PhdBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
11Arif M.PrawirawinataBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
12Ricky SantanaBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
13Arifin MakaminanBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
14Erwin DjuaniBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
15HominjonoBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
16Subagio EfendiBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
17Xavier BaryBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
18Chaerul Djusman DjakmanBatch 1 29-31 January 2009
19AdhisatiaBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
20Ann SjamsuBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
21Chintya Devi KumalasariBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
22FX. Teguh MudjiyonoBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
23Hardinsyah RidwanBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
24Harry SuharmanBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
25Heny SondangBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
26Hestin AgusTantriningsihBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
27ImeldaBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
28Jimmy MP JohanBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
29Juniati GunawanBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
30Katamsi GinanoBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
31ShyanneBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
32Sri Morisonya MaulidiannaBatch 2 6-8 October 2010
33SusanaBatch 38-10 March 2011
34Gilbert Rely Batch 38-10 March 2011
35Irene Fufianti Batch 38-10 March 2011
36Ricky Manurung Batch 38-10 March 2011
37Shauman Shaladin Batch 38-10 March 2011
38M. Yusuf Batch 38-10 March 2011
39Stela Septania Batch 38-10 March 2011
40Harry Nuriman Batch 38-10 March 2011
41Hermiyetty Batch 38-10 March 2011
42Stephanie Batch 38-10 March 2011
43Muqtie Ali Batch 38-10 March 2011
44LaksmiBatch 38-10 March 2011
45FikriBatch 38-10 March 2011
46Riandy Batch 4 6-8 June 2012
47Lukita WardhaniBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
48Leonard Tiopan PanjaitanBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
49Reza RamayanaBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
50JalalBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
51Wahyu Aris DarmonoBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
52Niviansyah ManapBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
53Ali RahmadiBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
54Bahtiar ManurungBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
55TaridiBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
56Ismaya AjiBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
57Mirana HanathasiaBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
58Ulfah HabibahBatch 4 6-8 June 2012
59Asniati BahariBatch 55-6 December 2012
60Andrew TwohigBatch 55-6 December 2012
61Dewi FitriasariBatch 55-6 December 2012
62Ditto SantosoBatch 55-6 December 2012
63Luluk WidyawatiBatch 55-6 December 2012
64Josua Tarigan, SE, MBABatch 55-6 December 2012
65Prof. Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, SE, Mcom-Hons, PH.DBatch 55-6 December 2012
66RudijantoBatch 55-6 December 2012
67MD. Touhidul Alam KhanBatch 55-6 December 2012
68Erwin SaraswatiBatch 55-6 December 2012
69Idham KurniawanBatch 55-6 December 2012
70Diah Dharmayanti, SE, M.SiBatch 55-6 December 2012
71Prof. DR. Hatane Semuel, SE, MSBatch 55-6 December 2012
72Devie, Drs. AK, MMBatch 55-6 December 2012
73HennyBatch 55-6 December 2012
74Yuli Sari YeniBatch 55-6 December 2012
75Deni PuspahadiBatch 55-6 December 2012
76Linda GurningBatch 55-6 December 2012
77Muhammad Nur YahyaBatch 55-6 December 2012
78Meutia Sartika AmarBatch 55-6 December 2012
79Victoria Love Blood AdhityaBatch 55-6 December 2012
80Mira AnnisaBatch 62014
81Putri Paramita AgritansiaBatch 62014
82Reza SofjanBatch 62014
83Rikrik SupriyadiBatch 62014
84Muhammad Adrian MulukBatch 62014
85Choirul AnwarBatch 62014
86Ramdani SiraitBatch 62014
87Majidah HashimBatch 62014
88Rully FebrinaBatch 718-19 December 2014
89Putu Agus ArdianaBatch 718-19 December 2014
90Malakias MartonoBatch 718-19 December 2014
91Dr. Suganda ThalibBatch 718-19 December 2014
92Arya WirasatyaBatch 718-19 December 2014
93I Gede AudittaBatch 718-19 December 2014
94Elly PutrantiBatch 718-19 December 2014
95Iswan KadirBatch 83-4 November 2016
96Dwi WiyanaBatch 83-4 November 2016
97Paulina PermatasariBatch 83-4 November 2016
98Noval AkbarBatch 83-4 November 2016
99Saw Meng TeeBatch 83-4 November 2016
100Loo Yoek KhangBatch 83-4 November 2016
101Andie Hery DiantaraBatch 83-4 November 2016
102Deni DarmawatiBatch 83-4 November 2016
103Katrina F. FranciscoBatch 97-8 September 2017
104Clairma T. MangangeyBatch 97-8 September 2017
105Joseph Ian M. CanlasBatch 97-8 September 2017
106Ana SulistiowatiBatch 97-8 September 2017
107Achyar NadjibBatch 97-8 September 2017
108R Rulick SetyahadiBatch 97-8 September 2017
109Geraldine RonquilloBatch 97-8 September 2017
110Myka Keziah O. MarindaBatch 97-8 September 2017
111Theresia Sari SetyaningthiasBatch 97-8 September 2017
112Hasan FauziBatch 97-8 September 2017
113LEE Chuan GuanBatch 1024 October 2018
114Emilia K SitompulBatch 1024 October 2018
115Dewi FibrianaBatch 1024 October 2018
116Ari Djanuar P.Batch 1024 October 2018
117Alin HalimatussadiahBatch 1024 October 2018
118Tan Bee LayBatch 1024 October 2018
119Yu JingBatch 1024 October 2018
120Wendy EndriantoBatch 1024 October 2018
121Deni Darmawati SE., AK., Msi., CSRSBatch 1024 October 2018
122Rizka Nuri Adriani SE., MM., CSRSBatch 1024 October 2018
123Diah Wahyuningsih Batch 117 - 8 August 2019
124Miftah Faridl WidhagdhaBatch 117 - 8 August 2019
125Mar V. VeranBatch 117 - 8 August 2019
126Drs. Riwayadi, MBA., Ak., CA., CSRS., CPMA.Batch 117 - 8 August 2019
127Hendy M. FakhruddinBatch 117 - 8 August 2019
128Almatius Setya MarsudiBatch 117 - 8 August 2019
129Teodoro Alejandro Y. Kalaw IV Batch 117 - 8 August 2019
130Yulandri IsnainBatch 117 - 8 August 2019
131Andi DarmawanBatch 117 - 8 August 2019
132Joko PrayitnoBatch 1211-12 December 2019
133Yudi RachmanBatch 1211-12 December 2019
134Ahmad Deni DaruriBatch 1211-12 December 2019
135Martinus Haryo SutedjoBatch 1211-12 December 2019
136Novi RatnasariBatch 1211-12 December 2019
137Maman AtmajaBatch 1211-12 December 2019
138Dedi PalameaBatch 1211-12 December 2019
139Ika MerdekawatiBatch 1211-12 December 2019
140Deden RiyadiBatch 1211-12 December 2019
141Sugeng RiyadiBatch 1211-12 December 2019
142Muhammad IkhsanBatch 1211-12 December 2019
143Rory RatnawatiBatch 1211-12 December 2019
144Josua PartogiBatch 1211-12 December 2019
145NugerahaBatch 1211-12 December 2019
146Iman WibisonoBatch 1211-12 December 2019
147Stella Octaviani BustanBatch 1211-12 December 2019
148Aryo Yoga PratamaBatch 1211-12 December 2019
149Gustaf Adolf M. RajagukgukBatch 1211-12 December 2019
150Mukhammad SyaifullohBatch 1211-12 December 2019
151Rahma YasintaBatch 1211-12 December 2019
152I Gede Sudi AdnyanaBatch 135-8 October 2020
153Mahastuti Harijono TjokronegoroBatch 135-8 October 2020
154AnitaBatch 135-8 October 2020
155Lim HendraBatch 135-8 October 2020
156Mutia ReniBatch 135-8 October 2020
157HasanudinBatch 135-8 October 2020
158Elly PutrantiBatch 135-8 October 2020
159Rezqi Barrizie PutraBatch 135-8 October 2020
160Bambang SetyokoBatch 135-8 October 2020
161Evie SulistyaniBatch 135-8 October 2020
162M.Y Dena AksiniaBatch 135-8 October 2020
163Surya Dharma HutagaolBatch 1420-23 June 2022
164Eko Putri SetianiBatch 1420-23 June 2022
165Patriani Wahyu DewantiBatch 1420-23 June 2022
166Irfan Sulaiman SuhaeriBatch 1420-23 June 2022
167Antonio Andrew ImanuelBatch 1420-23 June 2022
168Dewi PermatasariBatch 1420-23 June 2022
169Neil AmelinaBatch 1420-23 June 2022
170Bisuk Abraham SisungkunonBatch 1420-23 June 2022
171Gregoria Arum YudarwatiBatch 1420-23 June 2022
172Yahya JadiBatch 1420-23 June 2022
173Imelda OrbitoBatch 1525 - 28 July 2022
174Yoga MardiansyahBatch 1525 - 28 July 2022
175Adzkia AndrianiBatch 1525 - 28 July 2022
176Citra hartatiBatch 1525 - 28 July 2022
177HannyBatch 1525 - 28 July 2022
178Esther IdayantiBatch 1525 - 28 July 2022
179Luky Patricia WidianingsihBatch 1525 - 28 July 2022
180FadhilahBatch 1525 - 28 July 2022
181SudarsonoBatch 1619-22 December 2022
182Lydiawaty Batch 1619-22 December 2022
183Antonius Ragil KuncoroBatch 1619-22 December 2022
184Rochmad PurnomoBatch 1619-22 December 2022
185Ubaidillah NugrahaBatch 1619-22 December 2022
186Indra ArdiyantoBatch 1619-22 December 2022
187Aernida Binti Abdul KadirBatch 1619-22 December 2022
188David Kiki BaringinBatch 1619-22 December 2022
189Jurica LucyandaBatch 1619-22 December 2022
190Yohana Amelia GabriellaBatch 1619-22 December 2022
191Rika NurrizkianaBatch 1619-22 December 2022
192Endang HaryaniBatch 1619-22 December 2022
193Agnani MarlisBatch 1619-22 December 2022
194Eka Wildan FauzanBatch 1619-22 December 2022

Upcoming schedule


GRI Standards Certified Training

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-governmental organization that develops and disseminates globally applicable voluntary Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. These guidelines has been developed through a multi-stakeholder process that incorporates the active participation of business, accountancy, investment, human rights, research and labour organizations from around the world.

Learn more


  • NCCR Holds 19th Asia Sustainability Report Rating (ASRRAT)

    November 8, 2023

    The National Center for Corporate Reporting (NCCR) again held the Asia Sustainability Report Rating (ASRRAT) 2023 ranking ceremony. The ASRRAT... View Article

  • Standard Bank awarded ‘Gold Rank’ in Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating

    January 30, 2023

    Standard Bank Limited (SBL) has been awarded ‘Gold Rank’ for its sustainability report in the Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRRAT)... View Article

  • ICSP

    Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners

    The ICSP is a professional association reflecting and promoting the best in sustainability practice, research and reporting – all towards creating a momentum towards development which meets the needs of those living today without jeopardizing those seeking the same in the future.

    For both individual and organization members in business, academia and non-governmental areas, the ability to gain confidence among people who have a benchmarked certification along globally standard lines is a primary aim of the institute. In addition to building confidence in quality, the ICSP is aiming to set professional standards to help ensure that users and providers can be on the same page.

    About NCCR

    NCCR in Brief

    NCCR is the first independent organization to develop sustainability reporting in Indonesia and the first organization to introduce the term “sustainability report” in Indonesia.

    Learn more

    Dekarbon.in is a consulting service under the management of Green Consult, an IBM Business Partner. It utilizes the ‘IBM Envizi ESG Suite‘ as the primary software for processing carbon data

    National Center for Sustainability Reporting
    Buncit Town House Kav. 4
    Jl. Haji Sa'abun Taman Margasatwa
    Jakarta Selatan 12540
    Tel : +62 21 782 3524
    Fax: +62 21 782 3523

    National Center for Sustainability Reporting
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