Welcome to the ninth year of the Sustainability Reporting Awards (SRA) 2013.
Since last decade, advances are made in sustainability reporting across the world, including here in Indonesia. Last May 2013, the National Center for Sustainability Reporting served as the Delegation Lead for South East Asia Delegation at the GRI Global Conference on Sustainability and Reporting 2013 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Our leadership in promoting and disseminating the GRI Reporting Framework in this region become more recognized by the GRI Network. By now, NCSR has conducted 5 batches of GRI Certified Training in Malaysia, and we plan to set-up the similar trainings both in Thailand and the Philippines at end of this year.
We should appreciate the response given by the Stock Exchanges in this region to promote sustainability report, including Bapepam-LK (now named as Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – OJK / Financial Services Authority) who has issued a regulation on August 1, 2012, which requires publicly listed companies to disclose sustainability information in an annual report or a separate report – sustainability report. Similar steps have also been conducted by the Singapore Stock Exchange and Bursa Malaysia a few years ago.
Given the above mentioned, we do expect a increase in the number of sustainability reports in 2013 compared to previous year, which means that the number of participants of the SRA 2013 will also increase. Similar to previous year event, SRA 2013 will also include sustainability reports from South East Asia, which includes Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines. As part of the assessor team for these countries we engage to our alumnus from these countries.
This award will provide organizations a building block of enhancing their sustainability performance by looking at best practices and follow up feedback and recommendation received from the Jury.
We see that sustainability reporting is a platform to communicate sustainability performance of your organization. The report is also seen as your story in advancing towards sustainability.
Finally on behalf of the NCSR, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to each and every company which has committed to pursuing a greater transparency and accountability through sustainability reporting. I wish you success, and I thank you for your participation in SRA 2013.
May the SRA 2013 bring the utmost benefit to all of us.
Jakarta, 1 August 2013
Ali Darwin
Chairman NCSR