The Training Fee is
- Standard: Rp 15.000.000,- per person
- Lecturers : 10% off the full fee
- Students : 10% off the full fee
- Participants will receive an internationally recognized certificate directly from the
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) after successful completion of the training course.
- This training will provide GRI Standards.
- In addition, participants are eligible to receive a Certified Sustainability Reporting
Specialist (CSRS) from NCSR after successful passing NCSR online examination and
submit the assignment. - CSRS is a professional certification in sustainability reporting and sustainability
management, we have around 1,100 graduates since late 2007 in Indonesia, Malaysia,
Singapore and the Philippines. - Only CSRS graduates are eligible for the Certified Sustainability Reporting Assuror
(CSRA) training which objective is to provide assurance on sustainability report and
practices based on the AA1000 standards.