National Center for Corporate Reporting > Training Schedule > ISSB Standards Training Course – Batch 5

ISSB Standards Training Course – Batch 5

As the world grapples with the impacts of climate change, investors and financial institutions must proactively address the risks and opportunities associated with this critical issue. The ISSB Standards provides a framework for companies to disclose climate-related financial risks and opportunities to investors, lenders, and insurers.

Our ISSB Standards Training Course will cover key aspects of the framework of both the IFRS S1 General Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information (“IFRS S1”) and the IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures (“IFRS S2”). In addition, it also including governance, strategy, risk management, metrics, and targets.


The main objective of the ISSB Standards Training Course is to create awareness of the potential physical, liability and transition risks that Climate Change poses to businesses. These risks can have direct and indirect consequences relating to an organization’s assets, operations, finances and reputation. The training program aims to empower businesses in building better resilience and help them prepare for the future in uncertain climate conditions by introducing and educating them on the ISSB Standards; IFRS S1 and IFRS S2.

The learning objectives of a ISSB Standards Training Course

  1. Understanding the key principles of climate risk management and IFRS S1 & IFRS S2 framework
  2. Recognizing and assessing the physical and transition risks climate change may pose to organizations and their value chain
  3. Identifying the ways and applications of scenario analysis in risk assessment
  4. Ability to enhance data-driven analysis of climate- related Risks
  5. Alignment of ISSB framework with Organizational strategies
  6. Effective Reporting and Risk Communication
  7. Application of ISSB framework in current and future projects
  8. Understanding the importance of engaging stakeholders to build support for Climate Risk management

Participants will learn how to integrate climate change and sustainability factors into financial decision-making, and leverage ISSB reporting to enhance risk assessment, disclosure, and engagement.

Through a mix of presentations, case studies, group discussions, and interactive exercises, our course will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to implement the ISSB Sustainability Disclosure framework within your organization.


Dr. Ali Darwin., Ak., M.Sc., CSP.
Chairperson of National Center for Corporate Reporting

Nora Sri Hendriyeni Ph.D., CA., CACP., CSRS., CSRA., CSP
Executive Director of ICSP

Randy Ismail
A trainer with experience more than 23 years in the oil and gas, mining, forestry, plantation, pulp and paper, petrochemicals, chemicals, cement, fertilizers, energy, automotive, textile, electronics and food sectors in both Indonesia and Asia.

Download brochure to learn more about ISSB Standard Training Course

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14 - 16 May 2025


09:00 - 17:00


Rp 11.000.000




GRI Standards Certified Training

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-governmental organization that develops and disseminates globally applicable voluntary Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. These guidelines has been developed through a multi-stakeholder process that incorporates the active participation of business, accountancy, investment, human rights, research and labour organizations from around the world.

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  • ICSP

    Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners

    The ICSP is a professional association reflecting and promoting the best in sustainability practice, research and reporting – all towards creating a momentum towards development which meets the needs of those living today without jeopardizing those seeking the same in the future.

    For both individual and organization members in business, academia and non-governmental areas, the ability to gain confidence among people who have a benchmarked certification along globally standard lines is a primary aim of the institute. In addition to building confidence in quality, the ICSP is aiming to set professional standards to help ensure that users and providers can be on the same page.

    About NCCR

    NCCR in Brief

    NCCR is the first independent organization to develop sustainability reporting in Indonesia and the first organization to introduce the term “sustainability report” in Indonesia.

    Learn more is a consulting service under the management of Green Consult, an IBM Business Partner. It utilizes the ‘IBM Envizi ESG Suite‘ as the primary software for processing carbon data

    National Center for Sustainability Reporting
    Buncit Town House Kav. 4
    Jl. Haji Sa'abun Taman Margasatwa
    Jakarta Selatan 12540
    Tel : +62 21 782 3524
    Fax: +62 21 782 3523
    National Center for Sustainability Reporting
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