National Center for Corporate Reporting > Training Updates > GRI Standards Certified Training Jakarta Batch 50

GRI Standards Certified Training Jakarta Batch 50

On November 6 – 8 2018, NCSR again held the GRI Standards Certified Training Jakarta Batch 50 at the Mercantile Athletic Club, World Trade Center I Jakarta.
Batch 50 was attended by 9 participants consisting of PT Rekayasa Industri, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, D&D Project, PT Medco E&P Indonesia, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk., PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia and Tax Consultant Office Gilbert Rely & Partners.
This training was presented by 3 trainers consisting of Dr. Ali Darwin as Executive Director of NCSR together with Dr. Ari Purwanti and Dr. Sylvia Veronica N.P. Siregar.

After completing the training, the participants are expected to be able to prepare or analyze a sustainability report. In addition, it is also hoped that the training participants can carry out their daily duties with an environmentally friendly culture and care for the community.

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GRI Standards Certified Training

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-governmental organization that develops and disseminates globally applicable voluntary Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. These guidelines has been developed through a multi-stakeholder process that incorporates the active participation of business, accountancy, investment, human rights, research and labour organizations from around the world.

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    GRI Standards Certified Training

    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-governmental organization that develops and disseminates globally applicable voluntary Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. These guidelines has been developed through a multi-stakeholder process that incorporates the active participation of business, accountancy, investment, human rights, research and labour organizations from around the world.

    About NCCR

    NCCR in Brief

    NCCR is the first independent organization to develop sustainability reporting in Indonesia and the first organization to introduce the term “sustainability report” in Indonesia.

    Learn more is a consulting service under the management of Green Consult, an IBM Business Partner. It utilizes the ‘IBM Envizi ESG Suite‘ as the primary software for processing carbon data

    National Center for Sustainability Reporting
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    Jl. Haji Sa'abun Taman Margasatwa
    Jakarta Selatan 12540
    Tel : +62 21 782 3524
    Fax: +62 21 782 3523
    National Center for Sustainability Reporting
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