Since 2018, sustainability report has become mandatory at SGX Singapore. Bursa Malaysia in 2017 has also issued Sustainability Report Guidelines. The Philippines Stock Exchange is in preparation for a mandatory sustainability report. And Indonesia requires the creation of a sustainability report starting in 2020 which is regulated in POJK No.51 / 2017.
NCSR has been developing training sustainability reports in Indonesia since 2005 and has expanded to other countries in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines) since 2010.
On 23-25 April 2019, NCSR again held the GRI Standards Certified Training Jakarta Batch 52 at the Mercantile Athletic Club, World Trade Center I Jakarta. Followed by 12 participants, Batch 52 consisting of PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk., Danone Indonesia Atma Jaya Catholic University Jakarta, Deloitte Indonesia, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero), PT Hero Supermarket Tbk, Ministry of Finance and Great Giant Foods.
This training was presented by 3 trainers consisting of Dr. Ali Darwin as Executive Director of NCSR together with Dr. Ari Purwanti and Dr. Sylvia Veronica N.P. Siregar.